Finally! A title.

7 Feb

It was staring us in the face all along. As my many thousands of fans know, my book rejoiced in the title One Way To Paradise. But, I was never truly comfortable with it. And when I told a mate what the book was called he said it sounded like something only a terrorist would buy.

So, David my ghostwriter and I decided to come up with something else. Assisted by Debbie Cameron, a friend who’s helping me, we came up with Majorca’s Gold, which we all liked. Then someone said that sounded like a paint colour or, even worse, a type of Bob Hope (dope).

A couple of weekends ago, David was out walking in the mountains around Alaro in Mallorca. Tracey, the friend he was hiking with had told him the walk was about four hours. It turned out she’d read the map wrong and it was four hours one way! Somewhere along the route of this epic hike, Tracey asked David how my book was getting on. ‘We’ve got a title,’ he said, ‘Majorca’s Gold’.

‘Hm,’ Tracey said. After a few minutes of silence, broken only by their panting and the distant sounds of sheep bells and German hikers, she said ‘I thought you were going to call it Hasta La Flip-Flops?’

‘We weren’t,’ David said, ‘but we should.’

As you all know, ‘Hasta La Flip-Flops!’ has been my catchphrase for years. So it’s the perfect title for the book. I love it and so does everyone else I’ve tried it out on.

Hasta La Flip-Flops! The Rise and Fall of Louie The Lip. You read it here first.

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